Today, we received and installed our new, custom fabricated, ten gage stainless steel Global Methodist Church logo, with an all-weather powder baked finish. It is now affixed to the exterior of our church Fellowship Hall, facing E. Church Street. The logo is trademarked by the Global Methodist Church, and while Benson Global Methodist Church is not the first Global Methodist congregation in NC – I’m about positive we are the first GMC in North Carolina to have a metal sculpture included in our exterior “signage.”

The logo incorporates not only the image of the cross but also the “Trinity Rings,” a classic Christian symbol representing Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The color is not associated with a certain university located in a certain pastor’s hometown, but, instead, is image-specific to the Global Methodist Church – a color called Lapis; it is the primary color choice if the GMC logo appears in color. The “interlocking” placement of the Trinity Rings is deliberate, intended to spark thoughts of the globe we are called to reach with the Gospel message.

Overall, I hope our new church sign (“Benson Global Methodist Church”) and now our new GMC logo are more than just a new look on our historic church, visible to people driving or walking by the corner of E. Church and Elm Streets. What people will think about our new signage will have less to do with outward aesthetics and more to do with the people who gather on the inside. The good folk of Benson Global Methodist Church have not just settled into a specific pew, but, more importantly, we are a people who have settled our hearts into a specific conviction: “to spread scriptural holiness across the land.” If those words sound familiar, they were first spoken by John Wesley as a defining call of the early Methodist revival movement. Our choice to become Benson Global Methodist Church is a choice to be recognized (as clear as the sign outside and as obvious as the new logo on our Fellowship Hall) as a people unafraid of a deep and certain commitment to Christ and to the Bible as being authoritative and valid in this modern age.

Hopefully, people will also see our sign as an invitation to know Christ personally and to have hearts and lives transformed by the Gospel message. For those who come to recognize our new logo, I hope they will see it as a refuge from life’s many hardships and as a landmark in our journey as we follow where Jesus leads. Thanks be to God for His Son, His Spirit and His Church.

Love to all,